Tuesday 23 October 2007

Stash enhancement!

Haven't blogged for a while! I have been far too busy buying more stuff. We had a trip to the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace and I bought lots of lovely things. There are needles and yarn and a book and patterns and a magazine.
Its all very squishable and yummy so I can't wait to get started on making things. Some is for christmas presents but I'll keep quiet about what exactly just in case the recipients are reading. So on to some finished items instead.

This is a Jaywalker sock made with Regia Bamboo and I am so disappointed with it! The yarn feels lovely in the ball but knits up really floppy and doesn't hold a shape well. The sock feels baggy and shapeless on my foot. I will make the pair for it and give them a wash as I am hoping that will help, but I can see it being a long wait before that happens as I am not inspired by it at the moment.

I also made some fetchings in pink for R. Here she is striking a rock'n'roll pose! These are such a quick knit, they came out really nicely and I am planning to make some for myself, after I've made E some of course, as she is now sulking!!


ContinentalCat said...

Yummy stash! Feels good, doesn't it?

lottie said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice stash!!!!!

luv lottie